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About kinesiology

To understand kinesiology we need to come to terms with how our bodies work. 

In the west we typically see the body and mind as separate entities.  So for example we tend to treat the symptoms of  physical pain directly with pain killers, depression with antidepressants and cancer by chemotherapy.  Kinesiologists see things from a more holistic and energetic perspective.  Kinesiology is founded upon the idea that everything is all about energy, and having its roots in Chinese Traditional Medicine it states that you can’t separate body and mind as they are in fact one complete unit.  It states that our entire body is completely connected through a network of energetic pathways called meridians.

There are twelve of these meridians and each meridian is linked with some particular muscle and also with some organ.   Meridians act like a well designed network of rivers which carry the vital energy, also known as chi, or prana all around us.

Imagine that your brain (where the mind is situated) is like a huge computer which stores all of the experiences we have ever had, feelings we've ever felt and thoughts we've ever thought.  It holds all of our opinions and belief systems, even those inherited from our ancestors about our entire being, and it holds the blueprint for the maintenance & repair of our physical body.

But a child’s brain doesn’t understand reality, doesn’t understand adults humour and irony, nor does it understand time and space.  From the day  we were born until around the age of 7, the child’s brain operates in theta wave frequencies and so it’s like the brain is in a permanent state of hypnosis.  All the words we say and our behaviour patterns are like messages for the young brain.  Everything they see and hear becomes their reality later in  life. And that’s the way our brains are programmed with many of our current belief systems. If there are some negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs stored in the brain, the body can produce stress hormones which can lead to numerous, various health issues, so these thoughts can actually be seen in the physical body as pain, stiffness and illnesses.

Kinesiology is based on the concept that “ your body has the answer “. It is a holistic therapy method allowing me to communicate with your subconscious mind by using a simple muscle test. By testing various muscles on your body I can obtain yes and no answers in the form of a positive or negative muscle response. And that’s why I believe that kinesiology is so powerful.  It can be used to find anything that might be blocking you from satisfactory levels of mental, emotional, physical  and spiritual health.

I can then determine exactly where there is any imbalance and what it is caused by, for example nutrition deficiencies, emotional stress, chemical or metal toxicity, energetic and physical imbalances.


And then how can we put the body back into balance, to optimal health? 

Believe it or not, the natural state of your body is balance, harmony and flow. For most of us that will not seem familiar.  Through daily stress, trauma and pollution, the energy flowing through us becomes blocked, leading to physical illnesses and emotional problems such as anxiety and depression.

By using the muscle test I can find the most appropriate technique to unblock and rebalance the body.  These techniques, which are gentle and non-invasive, can include emotional stress relief techniques such as tapping, flower and Bach remedies or just simply bringing the client conscious awareness of troublesome issues.  The causes of symptoms are not always obvious.  For example back problems don’t always necessarily have to be due to a lack of or an excess of exercise, or knee pain doesn’t always need to be due to a bad squatting technique, and even stomach pain doesn’t always mean we ate something bad.  Kinesiology also helps to uncover those other hidden, or not so obvious causes. 

There are other techniques such as stimulating acupressure points, improving diet, guiding you through visualisations or affirmations or suggestions to change some of your life style habits and routines.  The treatment is really conditional upon what the unconscious indicates that it needs to release the flow of energy.

Kinesiology helps us to see our bodies for what they are; highly intelligent organisms.  When we follow the guidance of kinesiology, we can stop trying to mechanically force it to work for us, begin to flow in harmony with natural rhythms and initiate the self healing process.


Conditions treated

 By using the muscle test and communicating with your subconscious mind, kinesiology can help with a huge scope of health issues.

  • Releasing of chronic aches and pains.

  • Improving digestion issues.

  • Identifying nutrional excess or deficiency.

  • Releasing of emotional stress, anxiety,fears and phobias.

  • Candida and thrush.

  • Help with dyslexia and learning difficulties.

  • Overcoming past trauma.

  • Back pain, frozen shoulder and neck pain.

  • Headaches and migraines.

  • Insomnia, poor sleeping patterns.

  • Arthritis and joint pain.

  • Co-ordination and balance problems.

  • Improving sports performance and adding in muscle injury healing.

  • Help boost your energy level.


About Reiki




What is Reiki?

Reiki is a type of energy healing that was developed in Japan by Dr Mikao Usui. A reiki practitioner will use light touch which aims to change and balance the energy fields in and around your body. 

The Japanese word Reiki means universal energy. Eastern medicine systems work with this energy, which flows through all living things and is vital to well being. This energy is known as 'Ki' in Japan, 'Chi' in China and 'prana' in India. Reiki isn't part of any type of religion or belief system. It is best described as a form of hands on healing used as a complementary therapy.

A Reiki practitioner aims to change and balance the energy fields in and around your body to help on a physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual health.

How it can help?

  • help you to feel deeply relaxed.

  • help you cope with difficult situations.

  • relieve emotional stress and tension.

  • help to improve overall wellbeing.

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